Tuesday, 30 October 2012

A little bit of Dubstep


Not every good song has to have a meaning behind it, or words. Take Dubstep for example. It's a bunch of beats put together by DJs. It's a genre of electronic dance music. Dubstep has overwhelming bass lines, drum patterns, and the occasional vocals. There is no deep message behind this music, but it is catchy, and great in the clubs!!! Music that is played nowadays in European clubs is mostly house music and dubstep. Why? Because they're songs you can dance to, they are catchy and they make you move to the beat. You can't help but tap your foot on the ground to these songs. They're good songs. Sure there are some parts in dubstep songs that isn't the best, but you can't always have your cake and eat too! 


  1. Hi Ruxandra.
    I easily got a sense of who you are from your blog. I love that music inspires you and the meanings behind the lyrics interest you. I love seeing live music and bands for that reason alone. When the performer or artist sings, he/she often gives a bit of a history surrounding the song. As well, you learn what inspired her to write and what the lyrics are trying to convey. I appreciate the songs so much more when I have some background information. Of course, some people argue that having your own interpretation of a song is more meaningful.
    Don't you think that it is amazing that songs give you context in life. When I hear certain songs, I am flooded with memories. People often say "this song takes me back...".

    I love music too and hope you continue to write about the meaning of various songs. I also like that you mix it up. I thought the YOLO vs. YODO comment was interesting.

    I am very impressed with the Dubstep. I went on Youtube and really really like the Slo-Mo section. I am determined to learn how to do these. Here is a link. I am going to make all my friends learn with me. It is soooo cool.


    :) M Morton

  2. awwwh! Thanks Mrs Morton!!! :) haha! Music is my life! I couldn't live without it. I've never been to a concert, but I really want to go. I will have to find time first though.
    Yes, it is quite amazing how songs give people the context in life. And Dubstep is pretty impressive!!! (:
