Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Inna- Tu si eu (You and I)

Now the meaning in this version of the song still revolves around her and her lover, but it is deeper and not so sensual. Now below I posted the Romanian and the English translation for all of you who don't know Romanian :)


Now in the Romanian version, Inna is singing about the boy she loves. "I wanna fly to the stars without stopping, in my way through life to find you" Inna is so in love with this boy and wants to show him. The lyrics in Romanian, (in my opinion) are so sentimental and have much more meaning than the English. No, I'm not hating on the English language or being biased. There are so many lines in the song where she shows her love for him. "I'm not saying words in vain when I say 'I love you'" → This line for me is super meaningful and beautiful. It's pretty much the most powerful line in the whole song, in my own opinion.
She loves him so much and just wants to show it and be with him. Just her and him. Together forever. :)

Tu si Eu :)

Chiar daca stiu ca mesajele nu le citesti Even though I know you don't read my messages
In visul tau mereu tu ma regasesti In your dreams you will keep on finding me
Ai tai Iti spun tot mereu "Nu te gandi doar la ea" Your parents always tell you "Don't think just of her." 
Dar tu ai vrea... But you still want to

As vrea sa zbor pana la stele fara sa ma opresc  I wanna fly to the stars without stopping
In drumul meu prin viata sa te gasesc In my way through life to find you
Nu-s vorbe goale cand Iti spun "Te iubesc" I'm not saying words in vain when I say "I love you" 
Hai striga tare Come on say it loud

Tu si eu ne vom iubi mereu You and I we'll gonna love eachother forever
Si ne vom privi din adancul inimii And we'll look at eachother from the bottom of our hearts
Pana la soare... Until the sun
Reusesc sa te iubesc pana la soare I'll succeed to love you till the sun

Tu si eu  You and I
Tu si eu ''              ''
Tu si eu ''              ''
Tu si eu ''              ''

Chiar daca stiu ca mesajele nu le citesti Even though I know you don't read my messages
In visul tau mereu tu ma regasesti  In your dreams you will keep on finding me
Ai tai Iti spun tot mereu "Nu te gandi doar la ea" Your parents always tell you "Don't just think of her." 
Dar tu ai vrea... But you still want to

As vrea sa zbor pana la stele fara sa ma opresc I wanna fly to the stars without stopping
In drumul meu prin viata sa te gasesc In my way through life to find you
Nu-s vorbe goale cand Iti spun "Te iubesc" I'm not saying words in vain when I say "I love you" 
Hai striga tare Come on say it loud

Tu si eu ne vom iubi mereu You and I we'll gonna love eachother forever
Si ne vom privi din adancul inimii And we'll look at eachother from the bottom of our hearts
Pana la soare... Until the sun
Reusesc sa te iubesc pana la soare I'll succeed to love you till the sun

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